Saturday, April 16, 2011


I admit, I am a talkative person, especially when I'm with my close friends. I tell them almost everything I feel or experience. I inherited this trait from my grandmother, at least that's what my mother says when I "debate" with her. :)) However, I think my life is not completely an open book. I still have my secrets. :-" There are still things I don't tell my close friends, something that belongs to my secret archives and my messy room. I won't expound on that because I don't want to give you a clue on the things I keep secret. ;)

Then why did I even mention it? Well, if I were given a choice, I would want to be invisible. I want to be doing my own thing free from other people's eyes and comments. I'm done being a person who longs for attention. I'm done being a person who wants to have a lot of friends, who would do everything she could to have more and more friends. I just want to give up this part of me that longs to be popular. As what a handful of my friends know, I wanted to be an actress and singer before. It never came to fruition though, I just wasn't good enough. I didn't have sufficient self-esteem and confidence to join contests and audition. I did join a singing contest in our school once. It was just because of my class adviser who persuaded me to join. He really believed in me and I thank him for that. I thank him for making me feel what I've been yearning to feel before. But that's all over. I'm ready to be a doctor. So right now, I decide to stop all things that still supports this part of me that made me that way. I'll put it in a little box and store it in a musty old cabinet. I guess when all my doctor-related dreams are fulfilled, I'll open that old box of dreams, smile, and say "Hey. You were part of my life, 10 years ago." :)

Anyway, what I just told you is one of the things I keep secret, but it's not really a secret. :)) Some of my friends already know this and now YOU know. Haha.

Toodles! Until next blog, I guess it'll no longer be "New Blogs Every Tuesday", but "New Blogs Every Time-I'm-Not-Busy." :P

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