Sandra from tagged me.
Here are the rules:
1. Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
2. You have to choose and tag ten people.
3. Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
4. No tag backs.
5. Have fun.
Unfortunately, I won't be following Rule #2 and #4 because I don't know anyone else who has a blog that Sandra hasn't already tagged. I'll just tag whoever reads this post. :P YOU! :P
So here goes:
1. I'm a music lover. :) I listen to all genres of music, except "Screamo". xP Please. I don't need anyone screaming in my ear when I relax. xP
2. I can play the piano, guitar, and violin. I'm not an expert on those instruments though.
3. I love playing basketball. :D I'm scared of playing volleyball, not because it hurts really bad
when you get spiked in the face (the basketball to the face hurts more! :P), but because I'm not really good at it and I might annoy my teammates like I did in 1st year high school.
4. I don't eat pork or any other seafood besides fish.
5. I <3 soup/any viand with soup.
6. I compose songs on the spot, but I forget the lyrics or the tune after I sing them. :))
7. I love SUNSETS. Sadly, I've never seen the sun go down across the sea/bay/ocean like it
should. I would only have glimpses of it. :(
8. I enjoy watching K/J/T-dramas too. :>; So cuute!
9. I like Math. :| Yeah, I do. Maybe my mind likes to memorize a few formulas and manipulate
them, rather than just memorize A LOT like what my majors require. But I love my course. :D
10. I have an old pillow (I think it's 10 years old already? xP) that I still love and could never get
rid of. :D It's my hugging pillow! I'm almost never without a hugging pillow!